Preseason Dead Period: January 20
Practice Begins: February 10
1st Scrimmage Date: February 22
1st Contest Date: February 28
Last Contest Date: May 17


Field Events 3:30 p.m. start  Running Events 4:00 p.m. start

Thursday, April  3
Hilmar 53 @ Escalon 83  boys
Hilmar 37 @ Escalon 95   girls
Orestimba 24 @ Hughson 108    boys
Orestimba 15 @ Hughson 120   girls
  Modesto Christian 23 @ Hughson 109   boys
Modesto Christian 22 @ Hughson 113    girls
Orestimba 69 vs Modesto Christian 28    boys
Orestimba 37 vs Modesto Christian 30   girls
Riverbank 70 @ Ripon 66   boys
Riverbank 61 @ Ripon 75   girls

Thursday, April 10
Riverbank 84.5 @ Escalon 51.5   boys
Riverbank 92 @ Escalon 43    girls
Ripon 63 @ Hughson 73   boys
Ripon 38 @ Hughson 93
Orestimba 65 @ Hilmar 60  boys 
Orestimba 19 @ Hilmar 68   girls
Modesto Christian 42 @ Hilmar 67   boys
Modesto Christian 44 @ Hilmar 46   girls

Thursday, April 17
Orestimba 48 @ Escalon 84    boys
Orestimba 19 @ Escalon 107    girls
Modesto Christian 24 @ Escalon 104   boys
Modesto Christian 24 @ Escalon 103  girls
Ripon 109 @ Hilmar 27 boys
Ripon 85 @ Hilmar 44  girls
Hughson 85 @ Riverbank 51  boys
Hughson 83 @ Riverbank 53  girls

Spring Break

Thursday, May 1
Escalon 43.5 @ Hughson  91.5 boys
Escalon 22 @ Hughson 114  girls
Hilmar 41 @ Riverbank 93   boys
Hilmar 36 @ Riverbank 94   girls
Orestimba 32 @ Ripon 104 boys
Orestimba 20 @ Ripon 100  girls
Modesto Christian 30 @ Ripon 96  boys
Modesto Christian 38 @ Ripon 95  girls

Thursday, May 8
Escalon 56 @ Ripon 80  boys
Escalon 45 @ Ripon  93   girls
Orestimba 33 @ Riverbank 103  boys
Orestimba 14 @ Riverbank 101  girls
Modesto Christian 35.5 @ Riverbank 94.5  boys
Modesto Christian 71 @ Riverbank 64  girls
Hughson 111 @ Hilmar 25  boys
Hughson 115 @ Hilmar 11  girls

League Meet: Thursday, May 15 @ Oakdale High School  Host--Ripon High School
Field Events 3:00 p.m.
Running Events 6:00 p.m.
TVL Track Rep.  Clement Labrouche, Hilmar High School

TVL Track Meet Host Rotation:  Ripon 14 , Hughson 15, Hilmar 16 , Orestimba 17, Modesto Christian 18,  Riverbank 19, Escalon 13

TVL Meet Oakdale High School Thursday, May 15, 2014
Boys Teams: 1. Hughson 131 2. Riverbank 83  3. Ripon 75  4. Escalon 67  5. Modesto Christian  6. Hilmar 50 7. Orestimba 22
Girls Teams:  1. Modesto Christian 151  2. Hughson  3. Riverbank  4. Ripon 55  5. Hilmar 47  6. Escalon 32  7. Orestimba 10
Individuals: Boys
110 HH 1. Hudson Harris, Hilmar 15.87 2. Caleb Hansen, Escalon  3. Elijah Watkins, Hughson
4x100  1. Hughson 43.86 (Ceaser Cuevas, Kyle Kerlee, Jacob Mejia, Tanner Duron)
1600  1. Ian Brooks, Hughson 4:38.10  2. Kenzye Spears, Hilmar  3. Gabriel Teixeira, Hilmar
400  1. Munoz, Ripon  52.65  2. Samuel Lattig, Escalon  3. Danny Navarrete, Orestimba
100  1. A Brooks, Modesto Christian 10.97  2. Kerlee, Hughson  3. Jamison, Modesto Christian
300 H  1. Nelson, Ripon 40.41  2. Harris, Hilmar  3. Watkins, Hughson
800  1. Brooks, Hughson 2:00.08 2. Teixeira, Hilmar  3. Antonio Pelaez, Ripon
200  1. A Brooks, Modesto Christian 22.41 2. Jamison, Modesto Christian  3. Mejia, Hughson
3200  1. Zach Morrett, Hughson 9:58.87  2. Jaonathen Beliera, Riverbank  3. Anthony Arce, Hughson
4x400  1. Ripon 3:30.13  (Roma, Munoz, Nelson, Vincent)
HJ  1. Vincent, Ripon 6-02  2. Armando Vargas, Riverbank  3. A Brooks, Modesto Christian
PV 1. Jonah Fisher, Hughson 11-0  2. David Esparza, Escalon  3. Marty Sveen, Riverbank
LJ  1. Kerlee, Hughson 19-09  2. David Esparza, Escalon  3. Christian May, Escalon
TJ  1. Jarod Mora, Modesto Christian 40-02 1/2   2. Brent White, Ripon  3. Devondre Stendardo, Hughson
Discus  1. Arana, Riverbank 157-04  2. Matt Gallego, Escalon  3. Blaine Nebe, Escalon
Individuals: Girls
110 HH  1. Lexi tubbs, Modesto Chrtistian  14.73  2. Dani Olson, Hilmar  3. Jacklyn Warwick, Modesto Christian
1600  1. Mikayla Florez, Riverbank 5:18.00  2. Ellie Waters, Ripon  3. Yjaira Salinas, Escalon
4x100  1. Modesto Christian 52.89 (Warwick, Groen, Gaines, Tubbs)
400  1. Nicole Warwick, Modesto Christian 1:00.89  2. Meagan Warwick, Modesto Christian  3. Morris, Hughson
100  1. N. Warwick, Modesto Christian 12.61  2. Tubbs, Modesto Christian 3. Olson, Hilmar
3200  1. Florez, Riverbank 11:52.62 2. Kim Ruvalcaba, Riverbank  3. Waters, Ripon
300 H  1. Olson, Hilmar 47.01  2. Abigayle Mitchell, Hughson  3. Valencia, Hughson
800  1. N. Warwick, Modesto Christian  2:23.58  2. Salinas, Escalon 3. Herroz, Hughson
200  1. Olson, Hilmar 26.68  2. Warwick, Modesto Christian  3. Mwalimu Mwaniki, Orestimba
4x400  1. Modesto Christian 4:15.87 (Groen, Petal, J. Warwick, M. Warwick)
HJ  1. Morris, Hughson 4-10  2. Moore, Modesto Christian  3.  Rivers, Escalon
PV  1. Natalie Fontana, Hughson 9-06 2. Hobby, Hughson 3. Rivers, Escalon
LJ  1. N. Warwick, Modesto Christian 18-03.5  2. Moore, Modesto Christian  3. M. Warwick, Modesto Christian
TJ  1. Gains, Modesto Christian  35-0  2. Woods, Ripon  3. Richardson, Riverbank
SP  1. Sullivan, Hughson 34-04  2. Flores, Hughson  3. Tubbs, Modesto Christian
Discus  1. Karena Cajero, Riverbank  97-04.5  2. Faria, Hilmar  3. Sullivan, Hughson

May 20 & 22  Division IV-V Meet:  @ CSU Stanislaus
Individuals: Boys
4x100  4. Hughson 43:40
800  2. Ian Brooks, Hughson 1:56.89
300 H  3. Patrick Nelson, Ripon 40.45
200  3. Windsor Jamison, Modesto Christian  22.21
3200  3. Zach Morrett, Hughson 9:42.72
4x400  5 Ripon  3:26.22
Discus  2. Fabian Arana, Riverbank  165-08   4. Matt Gallego, Escalon  139-06
HJ  1. Bryon Vincent, Ripon  6-01.0   5. Armando Vargas, Riverbank  5-09.0
Team:  Girls
4. Modesto Christian  35
Individuals: Girls
4x100  4. Modesto Christian  49.88
1600  1. Mikayla Florez, Riverbank  5:09.08   4. Ellie Waters, Ripon   5:20.52
100 H  1. Lexi Tubbs, Modesto Christian  15.22   3. Jaclyn Warwick, Modesto Christian  16.05
400  5. Meagan Warwick, Modesto Christian  1:00.96
300 H  2. Dani Olsen, Hilmar  47.50  4. Abigayle Mitchell, Hughson 48.21
3200   2. Mikayla Florez, Riverbank  11:33.16
HJ  5. Haley Morris, Hughson  4-11.0
LJ  3. Nicole Warwick, Modesto Christian  15-04
TJ  3. Lailoni Gains, Modesto Christian  35-02.5
PV  4. Natalie Fontana, Hughson  9-09.0

May 29 & 30 Masters Meet:  @ Elk Grove High School

June 6 &7 State Meet:  @ Buchanan H.S.  Clovis

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